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范文小馒头分享 110974

范文小馒头 分享




  1. Add up ur scre and see hw an pints u get.


  【句法分析】本句是一个由and连接的并列祈使句,在 第二个祈使句中hw an引导宾语从句,作see的宾语。

  9.add v.



  add up t共计;总计为;结果是

  add... up把加起来

  add A t B/add A and B在B中加入A/把A和B加起来

  add t( = increase)(数量、规模)增加,增添

  Will u re sugar ur cffee?


  If we add these ars up, we’ll get a ttal f 90.

  如果我们把这些分数加起来, 总分就有90分了。

  The snw str added t ur difficulties.

  暴风雪 增加了我们的困难。

  ②补充说; 继续说(其后常接that从句或用于直接引 语中)

  “ And dn’t be late ’she added.


  2. ur friend ces t schl ver upset.你的 朋友来上学时心烦意乱。

  10.upsetad. ≈ vt.


  【搭配】 be upset abut/ver sth.为某事烦心,

  be upset that…心烦

  He was hrribl upset ver her illness.


  ② vt 使……不安;扰乱;推翻

  【搭配 It upsets sb. that…让某人心烦的是

  it upsets sb. t d sth.做某事使某人不愉快。

  It_that nbd had bthered t tell hi abut it.


  It _________ thin f her all alne in that big huse.


  a.u will ignre the bell and g sewhere quiet t cal ur friend dwn.你将不理踩铃


  Cal: 镇静的,沉着的

  Her vice was surprisingl cal.


  【搭配】eep/reain cal保持平静

  【拓展】call adv.安静地,平静地;冷静地 calness n.安静;冷静;沉着

  【辨析】cal, quiet,still 与 silent


  ....ril . - ..一 .. ■ - .-


  cal“平静的,沉着的”,指无风浪或 人的心情不激动。u shuld eep cal even in face f danger. 即使面对危 险, 你也应当保持镇静。


  quiet“宁静的,安静的”指没有声音、不吵闹或心里 没有烦恼、忧虑。His health has turned all the better fr hi after a quiet hlida abrad.在国外度过一个宁静的假期后,他的健康状况有所好转。


  still“静止的,不动的”,指没有 运动 或动作的状态。The r was still at the end f the speech,演讲结束的时候,房间里寂静无声。


  silent“寂静的,沉默的,不出声音的”指没有声音或不讲话。He was silent fr a ent, then began his answer.他沉默 了一会儿,然后开始回答。

  【巧学活用】When facing danger, ne shuld eep________.

  when taen phts f, ne shuld eep ________ ;when sene else is asleep, ne shuld eep quiet; when in class, ne shuldn’t eep _______abut the teacher's questins.

  面对危险时,应该保持镇静; 照相时,要保持不动;当其 他人睡觉时,应保持安静;在课堂上时,对老师的问题不应保持沉默.,

  b.u will tell ur friend that u are cncerned abut hi/her and u will eet after class and tal then.你会告诉你的朋友你 很关心他或她,并且下课后你们再见面谈谈。

  【句法分析】此句为主从复合句c that引导宾语从句, 从句中 u are cncerned abut hi/her 和 u will eet after class and tal then 为并列句。

  cncern vt. ≈ n.

  (1) 关心,挂念(常用于 cncern neself with/abut sb. /sth.结构中)

  Sheher sn’s future.

  她关心 她儿子的将来。

  (2)vt.关系到,影响到(用于cncern sb. /sth.结构中) That _________ us. 那与我们无关。


  【搭配】 with cncern 关切地

  feel/shw cncern abut/fr sth. /slh. 担心/ 关心/挂念某人(事)

  have n cncern fr sb/sth.毫不关心某人/事 ‘have n cncern with sb. /sth.与某人/事无关

  Ithe accident.


  【拓展】cncerned,ad .忧虑的;担忧的;有关的;涉及的 cncerning prep.关于;与有关


  as far as I a/u are cncerned就我/你而言;依我/你之见

  be cncerned abut/fr 为担心;关心

  be cncerned with 与有关

  be cncerned in 参与

  【巧学活用】As far as I a cncerned, educatrs shuld be cncerned abut the prble that is cncerned with the health grwth f the children and cncerned theselves with/in the wr f educatin'.

  依我之见,教育工作者应该关心与儿童健康成长有关 的问题,并亲自参与教育工作。

  c.Or are u afraid that ur friend wuld laugh at u,r wuld nt understand what u are ging thr ugh? 或者你害怕的是朋友嘲笑你,或者是不理解你目前的困境呢?

  g thrugh


  The cuntr has gne thrugh t an wars.



  6. I dn’t want t set dwn a series f facts in a diar as st peple d,but I want this diar itself t be friend, and I shall call friend itt我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记一系列的事实,但是我想把这本日记当作我的朋友,我将把我的朋友称作基蒂。

  (1) set dwn


  He decided t set dwn the facts.他决定写下事实。


  set aside留出,摘在一边

  set ff动身;使爆炸

  set ut t d开始做,着手做 set up创立,开办,竖起

  set ut( fr...)出发(前往……),动身(去)

  set abut ( ding) sth.着手做某事,开始做某事

  (2)series n.连续,系列

  There will beftball gaes next nth.


  【易错提示】series的单复数同形,a series f等作主语 时,谓语动词的形式应根据series所表示的单复数概念决 定,而不能根据f居的名词决定。类似的名词还有eans, species,deer,fish,sheep 等 0

  7.1 wnder if it’s because I haven’t been able t be utdrs fr s lng that I’ve grwn s craz abut everthing t d with nature.我想知道是不是因为我长期无法出门的缘故,以至于 我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热起来。

  强调句型的构成为:It is/was... +被强调部分+.that + 其他成分,如果被强调的部分是人,则可用wh代替that。

  I et Mar in the street esterda.

  昨天我在街上遇到了玛丽。 如果分别强调上句中的主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语,则上面的句子可依次转换为:

  It was I wh/that et Mar in the street esterda.(强调 主语)

  It was Mar that/wh I et in the street esterda.(强调 宾语)

  It was in the street that I et Mar esterda.(强调地点 状语)

  It was esterda that I et Mar in the street.(强调时间 状语)

  '使用强调句型时须注意以下几点: ①强调句型中的'it不能用其他词代替; is/was表达的 现在或过去时态要与原句时态一致且只有一般现在时或一般过去时两种时态形式。 ②被强调部分可以是除谓语动词以外的其他任何部分,当 被强调部分指人时,可以用wh或that,其他一律用that。

  It was all the ebers that/wh held a eeting in the club esterda.是所有的会员昨天在俱乐部举行了一次会议。

  ③强调句型的一般疑问句句式为: Is/Wasit +被强调部 分+ that +句子其他成分?

  Was it esterda that all the ebers held a eeting in the club? 是在昨天所有的会员在俱乐部举行了一次会议吗?

  Id with( = deal with)处理 对付


  have/be t d with 与有关

  be nthing t d with sth.与某人无关(某人不该打听}

  nt have anthing t d with 与没有任何关系

  be sething t d with 似乎与有关

  【辨析】 d with与deal with

  D with 常与what连用, 表示“如何处理”,不用于被动语态。


  What are u ding with the leftvers?你打算怎样处理这 些剩饭菜?

  Deal with 作“对待,处理”讲 时,常与hw连 用;当有“与…… 交易”的意思时不用于被动语态。

  She nws hw t deal with children.她知道如何与小孩 相处。

  We’ve dealt with that cpan fr 20 ears.我们和那家公司 交易已达20年。

  8. ...Fr exaple, ne evening when it was s war,I staed awae n purpse until half past eleven in rder t have a gd l at the n

  b self.比如,有天晚上天气很暖和时,我

  故意熬到11点半不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看 月売。

  (2) n purpse( = b design)

  ①故意地。其反义词组为b chance/accident 偶然地)。

  I thin she lst the e


  (3)in rder t d sth.为了,以为目的;在句中作目的 状语,可置于句首、句中或句末。其否定形式为in rder nt t d sth; 带逻辑主语的结构为 in rder fr sb. t d sth.。

  I wred hardg t cllege.


  He started earllate.


  【易错提示】t d, s as t d和in rder t d都可以充当目的状语,其中t d和in rder t d放在句首和句中均 可,而s as t d只能放在句中,不能放在句首

  [知识链接】in rder that…为了

  I’ saving ne in rder that I can bu a huse.


  9, The dar, rain evening, the wind, the thundering cluds held e entirel in their p wer...漆黑的夜晚,风雨侵袭.雷电交加,我完 全被这种力量镇住了……

  【特别提示】entirel与nt同时在句中出现时,表示部 分否定意义。如:Se f his wrs are nt entirel satisfactr.他的某些作品并非完全令人满意。

  【拓展】entire ad.全部的;整个的 (同义)cpletel adv.完全地;整个地

  (同义)whll adv.整个地 ;完全地 (近义)full adv.充分地


  The president has the pwer t vet bills.



  IIIwill d everthing in pwer t help u.


  She lst her pwer f speech.她失去了说话的能力。


  用途最广,用于各种 权力,势力,隐藏的、 外显的力。Have u read that wr f great pwer?你看过 那部扣人心弦的作品吗?


  strength体力,是内部的能力, 在身体组织内存在 的力。She gt her strength bac slwl after her illness.她 病后慢慢恢复了体力。

  frce力。指活动的力,是 strength所展示出来 的力,外部的力;常被 作“势(武)力”用。N an wuld use frce n anther in a trul civilized sciet.在真正 的文明社会中r不会有 人对他人施以暴力。


  abilit能力,指完成某事的 能力。I dubt his abilit t d the b.我怀疑他做这项工作 的能力。

  energ精力,指人内在的 活力。The ld an is full f energ. 那位老人精力充沛。

  10..it was the first tie In a ear and a half that I’d seen the night face t face...这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晩

  11(1) 该句使用了 it was the first tie that...句式, 其中的 that从句为定语从句,该从句用过去完成时态。

  It/This/That is the first/secnd.. ./last tie that + sb. + 现 在完成时

  It/This/That was the first/secnd.. ./last tie that + sb. +过去完成时

  这是某人第一 /第二.…最后一次做……

  It was the first tie that hee.


  It is the first tie that IBeiing.


  【知识链接】It is the first tie that后接定 语从句;the first tie名词词组起连词作用,引导状语从句;fr the first tie 介词短语作状语;It is (high) tie that sb. did/shuld d sth.是某人该做的时候了。

  (2)face t face

  Heart t heart贴心地;坦诚地 side b side 并排地

  bac t bac背靠背地

  ne b ne 一个一个地

  shulder t shulder 肩并肩地 step b step逐步地;一步一步地 hand in hand手拉手地 〔ar in ar臂挽臂地


  —Can u help e all the ne

  1.that I shuld pa?

  —Ver srr. Please wait a inute, ada.

  A. add upB. add up t

  C. add tD. add

  2D u thin u’ll get the wr

  n tie?[2011保定高一检测]

  A.finishedB. finishing

  C.t finishD. finish

  3 After the lng urne,the three f the

  went bac he, _____________

  [2008 北京,26]

  A.hungr and tiredl

  B.hungr and tired

  C.hungril and tiredl

  D.hungril and tired

  4.As he had been ill in bed fr several

  nths, he was f the new

  develpent in his field.

  A. awareB. cnscius

  C. ignrantD. ignrance

  5 —What d u thin we can d fr ur aged parents?

  ----u ________ d anthing except t be with the.

  A. dn’t have t B. ughtn’t t

  D. can’t C. ustn’t

  6Mr Wang was alwas his

  students, ften prviding the with help.

  A. tended bB. absrbed in

  C. reinded f D. cncerned abut

  7—Srr, Prfessr Sith, I didn’t finish the assignent esterda.

  —Oh, uhave dne it as esterda

  was the deadline.[2010 上海,29]

  A. ustB. ustn’t

  C. shuldD. shuldn’t

  8All pcets have been, but

  I can’t find es.

  A gt thrugh B. given ut

  C.gne thrugh D. gne dwn

  9. The girl had hardl rung the bell

  the dr was pened suddenl, and her friend rushed ut t greet her.

  A. befreB. until

  C. asD. since

  10. Tw f textbs will have

  been tried ut in these tw cities in the next three ears.

  A. series B. serie C. cp D. set

  11. Sa alwas prnunces nae

  wrng. D u thin he des it?

  A. n purpseB. at present

  C. at an endD. right awa

  12.一 —eet Mr Wang, chairan f trade unin,he waited at the gate f the factr.

  A. In rder thatB. S that

  C. S as tD. In rder t

  13.All these presents ust be ailed at ncein tie fr Christas.

  A.in rder t have received

  B.in rder t receive

  C.s as t be received

  D.s as t be receiving

  14.I happened n ne n e


  A. t have B. having C. t having D. had



  A.单词拼写(根据下列句子及所给的汉语注释或词首 字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式)。

  1.T lst his new cell phne,s he was ver u________.

  2.u shuld wear 1___ sweaters when u d exercise.

  3 ______what u are gi ng t bu befre u d

  se shpping.

  4.Man iddle sc hl students(忽视)Chinese.

  5.He alwas prnunces nae wrng. D u thin he des it n p_______?

  6.Mst cuntries in the wrld are c______ abut the

  glbal waring.

  7The st iprtant thing t reeber when dealing with an eergenc is t eep c.

  7.Far wrers spend st f their tie

  8.I believe in u. I eagree with u!

  9 Man peple en watching a s_______ f TV plas.



